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Product: Domino 1 and 2


Added LCD Control

Date: 3/12/99

Introduction: This application note demonstrates how to access some of the additional features of the Hitachi PN LM044L 4X20 LCD.

Background: While the Domino modules have built-in firmware to control an LCD through the I2C bus, they don’t give you access to certain LCD features. The additional features include:

· Clear the LCD’s screen.

· Turn the LCD on and off.

· Turn the cursor on and off.

· Make the cursor blink.


How it works: This program demonstrates how to access some of the Hitachi PN LM044L 4X20 LCD features using the I2C Byte transfer function. Using a Phillips/Signetics PCF8574 I2C I/O expander with the slave address 01000010 we can communicate to a parallel LCD screen serially by sending it nibbles of information. The I2C I/O expander only has enough I/O to control the LCD screen in nibble mode. This program allows you to enter a string and display it on the LCD, turn the display and the cursor on and off, make the cursor blink, and clear the entire screen.

Program Listing:

10 REM **********************************************************

20 REM *** This program demonstrates how to use some of the

30 REM *** features on the Hitachi PN LM044L 4X20 LCD. Please

40 REM *** remember you’re not talking directly to the LCD you are

50 REM *** talking to the PCF8574 chip.

60 REM ***********************************************************

70 REM *** Setting MTOP so we can use the U01 command.


85 STRING 82,80

90 REM *** Initialize the LCD screen using Domino Utilities.

100 REM *** Using this call sets the LCD into nibble mode.

110 CALL 0F030H

120 ?"Choose a function."

130 ?"1 - Clear the LCD screen."

140 ?"2 - Turn the LCD screen off."

150 ?"3 - Turn the LCD screen on."

160 ?"4 - Turn the cursor off."

170 ?"5 - Turn the cursor on."

180 ?"6 - Have the cursor blink."

190 ?"7 - Have the cursor not blink."

200 ?"8 - Print characters to the screen."


220 IF Z=1 THEN GOTO 320

230 IF Z=2 THEN GOTO 350

240 IF Z=3 THEN GOTO 410

250 IF Z=4 THEN GOTO 410

260 IF Z=5 THEN GOTO 380

270 IF Z=6 THEN GOTO 440

280 IF Z=7 THEN GOTO 470

290 IF Z=8 THEN GOTO 500 ELSE GOTO 120

300 REM *** Hex values for nibble's 1 and 2

310 REM *** Values for clearing the screen

320 A=20H:B=21H

325 GOSUB 10130

330 GOTO 120

340 REM *** Values for turning the screen off

350 A=20H:B=28H

355 GOSUB 10130

360 GOTO 120

370 REM *** Values to turn the cursor on

380 A=20H:B=2EH

385 GOSUB 10130

390 GOTO 120

400 REM *** Values to turn the cursor off and to turn the display on.

410 A=20H:B=2CH

415 GOSUB 10130

420 GOTO 120

430 REM *** Values to make the cursor blink

440 A=20H:B=2FH

445 GOSUB 10130

450 GOTO 120

460 REM *** Values to make the cursor not blink

470 A=20H:B=2EH

475 GOSUB 10130

480 GOTO 120

490 REM *** Routine to print to the LCD.

500 INPUT"Please type what you want to display on the LCD."$(0)

510 REM *** Domino Utility call to display $(0) on the LCD.

520 CALL 0F040H

530 GOTO 120

10000 REM *** Subroutine for writing 2 nibbles to the LCD.

10100 REM *** Push the first nibble to the LCD

10110 REM *** 42H = the slaves address. 100H = upper byte

10120 REM *** A = the value to write to the LCD.

10130 PUSH 42H*100H+A

10140 REM*** Domino Utility call for sending an I2C byte.

10150 CALL 0F120H

10160 POP C

10170 REM *** Low the E pin on the LCD. This tells the LCD it is going to receive the first nibble

10180 REM *** To eliminate steps performed by the processor we can

10190 REM *** multiply 42H and 100H for the processor.

10200 REM *** 4200H = The slaves address and the value it takes to move

10210 REM *** it to the upper byte. 0H = the value sent to low the E pin

10220 REM *** on the LCD display.

10230 PUSH 4200H+0H

10240 REM *** Domino Utility call for sending an I2C byte.

10250 CALL 0F120H

10260 POP C

10270 REM *** Push the second nibble to the LCD

10280 REM *** 4200H = The slaves address and the value it takes to move it

10290 REM *** to the upper byte. B = the value sent to the slave depending

10300 REM *** on the desired function.

10310 REM *** Clear the screen = 21H

10320 REM *** Turn the screen off = 28H

10330 REM *** Turn the screen on = 2CH

10340 REM *** Turn the cursor on = 2EH

10350 REM *** Turn the cursor off = 2CH

10360 REM *** Blinking cursor = 2FH

10370 REM *** Stop blinking cursor = 2EH

10380 PUSH 4200H+B

10390 CALL 0F120H

10400 POP C

10410 REM *** Low the E pin on the LCD to tell it that it is about

10415 REM *** to receive a second nibble.

10420 PUSH 42H*100H+0H

10430 CALL 0F120H

10440 POP C

10450 RETURN